Comparison of responses by number of years using the national tuberculosis (TB) registry

TotalUse of TB registry yearsp-value
<2.5 >3 
Subjects n303129174
Q1: I am satisfied with the national TB registry5.55±1.415.32±1.545.72±1.280.018*
Q2: I have the required capacity to use all features of the national TB registry linked to my responsibilities5.66±1.355.43±1.485.84±1.220.011*
Q3: I do not need more training on the national TB registry3.93±2.403.94±2.363.92±2.440.94
Q4: I am happy with the available support and infrastructure for the national TB registry4.91±1.884.75±1.945.02±1.840.22
Q5: It does not take me long to enter or find information in the national TB registry5.16±1.884.97±2.045.30±1.750.13
Q6: The national TB registry helps me to improve case management6.14±1.305.92±1.486.30±1.130.015*
Q7: The training I received on the national TB registry is adequate4.89±1.994.60±2.105.11±1.880.032*
Q8: The information needed for case management is available in the national TB registry6.06±1.255.81±1.406.24±1.100.005**
Q9: Generating reports from the paper system is faster than the national TB registry#2.59±2.512.89±2.552.37±2.470.075
Q10: The national TB registry does not help me identify errors or inaccuracies in patient files#3.01±2.523.10±2.482.94±2.560.575
Q11: My workplace productivity has improved because of the national TB registry5.73±1.605.52±1.735.89±1.490.055
Q12: The national TB registry is reliable5.82±1.415.60±1.505.99±1.310.019*

Data are presented as mean±sd, unless otherwise stated. A scale of 0–7 was used, where 0=strongly disagree and 7=strongly agree. Respondents were shown two ends of the scale for each question and were asked to rate their responses accordingly. #: reverse-worded questions; *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01.