Summary characteristics for participants at the enrolment study visit

Total cohortMalesFemalesp-value#
Subjects n734223511
Age years34 (28–40)37 (32–43)32 (27–38)<0.001
Smoking status<0.001
 Current90 (12)62 (28)28 (5)
 Former82 (11)44 (20)37 (7)
 Never562 (77)116 (52)446 (87)
Household asset ownership index+ns
 Lowest quartile235 (32)62 (28)173 (34)
 Second quartile173 (24)57 (26)116 (23)
 Third quartile177 (24)58 (26)119 (23)
 Highest quartile140 (19)42 (19)98 (19)
High-risk occupation§237 (32)117 (52)120 (23)<0.001
Cooking fuel type0.001
 Charcoal297 (40)70 (31)227 (44)
 Firewood428 (58)149 (67)279 (55)
Self-reported pulmonary disease history
 Pulmonary tuberculosis60 (8)26 (12)34 (7)0.02
 Pneumocystis pneumonia38 (5)14 (6)24 (5)ns
 Cryptococcal pneumonia4 (1)2 (1)2 (<1)ns
CD4 countns
 <100 cells·μL−1198 (27)73 (33)125 (24)
 100–349 cells·μL−1441 (60)124 (56)317 (62)
 350–499 cells·μL−159 (8)18 (8)41 (8)
 ≥500 cells·μL−134 (5)7 (3)27 (5)
Viral load0.01
 ≤10 000 copies·mL−179 (11)14 (6)65 (13)
 >10 000 copies·mL−1649 (88)206 (92)443 (87)
Study visits per participant n20 (7–28)16 (7–28)21 (8–28)ns
Observation time years5 (2–7)4 (2–7)5 (2–7)ns

Data are presented as n (%) or median (interquartile range), unless otherwise stated. #: p-values for comparisons between sexes, calculated using t-test for normally distributed variables, Wilcoxon rank sum testing for non-normally distributed variables and Chi-squared testing for dichotomous and categorical variables; : never-smokers defined as those who did not smoke prior to cohort enrolment and continued not to smoke; former smokers defined as those who smoked prior to cohort enrolment, but did not smoke throughout the duration of the study; current smokers defined as those who smoked at cohort enrolment and continued to smoke throughout the duration of the study; +: constructed following the method of Filmer and Pritchett [9], using the following binary indicator variables: home ownership; land ownership; livestock ownership; presence of the following items (yes/no) in the household: iron, stove, fridge, phone, motorcycle, clock, bed, sofa, bike, television, lantern, cupboard, shoes, car, radio, mattress or electricity; characteristics of the home: flushing toilet, cement wall, cement floor or piped water; §: includes farmer, cook, motorcyclist, brick worker, builder, carpenter, cattle keeper, dry cleaner and sand miner. ns: nonsignificant.