Infant clusters at the onset of acute respiratory tract infection (swab A) and subsequent presence of symptoms

Cluster (n=165)p-value
A1 (n=56)A2 (n=51)A3 (n=31)A4 (n=14)A5 (n=13)
Symptomatic after 1 week38 (67.8)43 (84.3) ↑19 (61.3)8 (53.3)9 (69.2)0.121#
Symptomatic after 2 weeks17 (30.4)19 (37.3) ↑4 (12.9) ↓1 (7.1) ↓4 (30.8)0.061
Symptomatic after 3 weeks19 (33.9)12 (23.5)8 (25.8)4 (28.6)5 (38.5)0.754
Continuously symptomatic for ≥3 weeks13 (23.3)9 (17.6)2 (6.5) ↓1 (7.1)3 (23.1)0.329

Data are presented as n (%), unless otherwise stated. Statistical analyses were performed using #: Chi-squared; or : Fisher's exact test. Significant overrepresentation (↑) and significant underrepresentation (↓) of presence of symptoms in the clusters was assessed by enrichment analysis. The dominating bacterial families in the clusters are as follows. A1: Moraxellaceae; A2: Moraxellaceae and Streptococcaeae; A3: Streptococcaceae; A4: “Others”; A5: Pasteurellaceae.