Article Information
vol. 3 no. 1
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Online ISSN
- Received November 16, 2016
- Accepted December 7, 2016
- Published online January 17, 2017.
Copyright & Usage
Copyright ©ERS 2017 This article is open access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Licence 4.0.
Author Information
- Jonathan Grigg1⇑,
- Ian M. Balfour-Lynn2,
- Mark Everard3,
- Graham Hall4,
- Bülent Karadag5,
- Kostas Priftis6,
- Charles Christoph Roehr7,
- Bart L. Rottier8 and
- Fabio Midulla9
- 1Centre for Paediatrics, The Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK
- 2Dept of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK
- 3Princess Margaret Hospital for Children School of Paediatric and Child Health, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
- 4Telethon Kids Institute, Subiaco, Australia
- 5Dept of Paediatrics, Athens University Medical School, Attikon General Hospital, Athens, Greece
- 6Division of Pediatric Pulmonology, Marmara University, School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey
- 7Dept of Paediatrics, Newborn Services, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, UK
- 8Dept of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, Groningen Research Institute of Asthma and COPD, University Medical Center Groningen, Beatrix Childrens’ Hospital, State University Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
- 9Dept of Paediatrics, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
- Jonathan Grigg, Centre for Paediatrics, The Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London, 4 Newark Street, London, E12AT, UK. E-mail: j.grigg{at}
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North Thames CLAHRC