Databases and websites searched

Databases searchedMedline; CINAHL; PsycINFO; HMIC; AMED; Web of Science; ASSIA; IBSS; Delphis; PubMed; ScienceDirect; Cochrane Library; EMBASE; BNI; AgeInfo and Scopus.
WebsitesThorax Website; British Thoracic Society (BTS); National Institute For Health And Care Excellence (NICE); Medical Research Council (MRC); Department Of Health (DoH); Economic And Social Research Council (ESRC); National Institute For Health Research (NIHR); American Thoracic Association (ATS); British Lung Foundation (BLS); The National Council For Palliative Care (NCPC); The European Association For Palliative Care (EAPC); Association For Palliative Medicine (APM).