Univariate analysis of risk factors for patients belonging to IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism clusters

Non-cluster groupCluster groupAll patientsp-value
Age years47.3±19.537.6±16.545.9±19.4<0.001
AIDS110 (7.5)65 (7.1)175 (7.3)ns
Resistance to any drug165 (11.2)79 (8.6)244 (10.2)0.04
Beijing genotype99 (6.7)61 (6.6)160 (6.7)ns
Foreign-born987 (66.9)422 (46.0)1409 (58.9)<0.001
Male/female851/624 (57.7/42.3)619/299 (67.4/32.6)1470/923 (61.4/38.6)<0.001
Drug abuse36 (2.4)90 (9.8)126 (5.3)<0.001
Alcohol abuse121 (8.2)313 (34.1)434 (18.1)<0.001
Homelessness93 (6.3)124 (13.5)217 (9.1)<0.001
Sputum smear positivity474 (32.1)447 (48.7)921 (38.5)0.001
Previous history of TB165 (11.2)98 (10.7)263 (11.0)ns
Unemployment371 (25.2)427 (46.5)798 (33.3)<0.001
Healthcare worker26 (1.8)29 (3.2)55 (2.3)0.027

Data are presented as n, mean±sd or n (%), unless otherwise stated. % refers to the total number of tuberculosis (TB) patients in the non-cluster or cluster group. ns: nonsignificant.