Comparison of expiratory dynamic airway collapse (EDAC) patients with controls for values as defined by Dellacà et al. [24] from analyses of inspiratory and expiratory measurements of impulse oscillometry data

Mean X5 ex cmH2O·s−1·L−1−0.92±0.22−3.21±3.420.027
Min X5 ex cmH2O·s−1·L−1−1.54±0.36−6.08±6.390.020
ΔX5 cmH2O·s−1·L−10.17±0.082.10±3.350.051
Peak-to-peak X5 cmH2O·s−1·L−11.22±0.486.14±6.50.014

Data are presented as mean±sd, unless otherwise stated. Mean X5 ex: mean expiratory values of X5; min X5: lowest value of X5 during expiration; ΔX5: a machine-derived measure of mean X5 values; peak-to-peak X5: measure of values from highest to lowest X5 values.