Description of data collected for the Swiss Paediatric Airway Cohort (SPAC)

Questionnaire data
 Reason for referralX
 Colds and coughing (frequency, duration, history, severity and triggers)XX
 Wheeze (frequency, duration, history, severity and triggers)XX
 Exercise-related breathing problems (frequency, duration, history, severity and triggers)XX
 Ear, nose and throat (frequency, duration, history and severity of specific conditions, e.g. rhinitis, hay fever and otitis)XX
 Sleeping problems (frequency, duration, history and severity of specific conditions, e.g. sleep apnoea)XX
 Skin (frequency, duration, history, severity and location of specific conditions, e.g. eczema)XX
 Diagnosis and treatment (number of visits to the GP or paediatrician, causes for visiting a physician, tests performed, medication taken (inhaler medication, oral medication, nasal sprays, eye drops and antibiotics), other chronic illnesses, alternative treatments and vaccinations)XX
 Lifestyle and environment (physical activity, sedentary behaviour, smoking, pets, living on a farm, mould in the house and humidifier use)XX
 Origin and family (citizenship, siblings, parental education and profession, family history of asthma, hay fever and eczema)X
 Perinatal factors (pregnancy complications, gestational age, birth weight and length, and breastfeeding)X
 Contact information (address, telephone number and email address)XX
Data from medical records
 Personal information (date of birth, sex, referring physician and responsible primary care physician)X
 Disease (diagnoses, dates and results of diagnostic testing, and prescribed treatments)X
 Measurements# (weight, height, PFTs (e.g. spirometry and plethysmography), FeNO, spiroergonometry or other exercise challenge tests, bronchial challenge tests (e.g. mannitol and methacholine), allergy tests (total IgE, RAST and SPT), laboratory tests (blood cell count, inflammatory markers and blood gas analysis), imaging (radiography, CT scan and MRI), microbiology (BAL, sputum and smear), oxygen saturation and PtcO2, bronchoscopy, and special examinations used for differential diagnosis (e.g. chloride sweat test))X
Mobile app data
 Symptoms (ear, nose, throat, cough, dyspnoea and wheezing)X
 Exacerbations (acute worsening of respiratory symptoms)X
 Healthcare utilisation (hospitalisations and emergency care visits)X
 Treatment (respiratory symptoms medication)X
Routine data and linkage
 SNC (environmental exposures (for special analyses) and socioeconomic measures (maternal and paternal education and profession, number of rooms and persons per household, square meter living space per person and area-based socioeconomic position index))X
 Swiss birth statistics (gestational age, birth weight and height, and head circumference)X
 Hospital episode statistics (type of hospital, length of stay, type of discharge, referral pathways, diagnosis and treatments (ICD-10, procedure and DRGs))X
 Swiss mortality statistics (date and cause of death (ICD-10), age, sex, profession, place of residence and citizenship)X

GP: general practitioner; PFT: pulmonary function test; FeNO: exhaled nitric oxide fraction; RAST: radio allergo sorbent test; SPT: skin prick test; CT computed tomography; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; BAL: bronchoalveolar lavage; PtcO2: transcutaneous oxygen tension; SNC: Swiss National Cohort; ICD-10: international classification of diseases-10th revision; DRG: diagnosis related group. #: only if measurements are taken for clinical reasons; : birth, hospital episode and mortality statistics will be obtained from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office.