Exercise intervention: home-based lower limb-specific resistance training

TypeIntensityRepetitionsFrequencyCriteria for progression
Sit to standLevel 1: bodyweight only
Level 2: 70% 1RPM
Level 3: reassessment of 70% 1RPM
Continuum of re-assessment of 70% 1RPM
1×unsupervised (telephone follow-up in between sessions)
Completing with ease 3 times per week
Reporting reduced mBorg/leg fatigue
SquatsLevel 1: bodyweight only
Level 2: 70% 1RPM
Level 3: reassessment of 70% 1RPM
Continuum of reassessment of 70% 1RPM
1×unsupervised (telephone follow-up in between sessions)
Completing with ease 3 times per week
Reporting reduced mBorg/leg fatigue
Knee extensionsLevel 1: 70% 1RPM or corresponding
Thera-Band colour resistance
Levels 2 and 3, and progression:
reassessment of 70% 1RPM
1×unsupervised (telephone follow-up in between sessions)
Completing with ease 3 times per week
Reporting reduced mBorg/leg fatigue
Foot raisesLevel 1: 70% 1RPM or corresponding
Thera-band colour resistance
Level 2 and 3, and progression:
reassessment of 70% 1RPM
1×unsupervised (telephone follow-up in between session)
Completing with ease 3 times per week
Reporting reduced mBorg/leg fatigue
Heel raisesLevel 1: 70% 1RPM or corresponding
Thera-band colour resistance
Level 2 and 3, and progression: reassessment of 70% 1RPM
1×unsupervised (telephone follow-up in between session)
Completing with ease 3 times per week
Reporting reduced mBorg/leg fatigue

1RPM: one-repetition maximum; mBorg: modified Borg scale.