Study outcomes, adjusted for household clustering and stratified by clinically relevant subgroups

Outcome#Intervention armStandard-of-care armp-value
Completion of TB evaluation
 <5 years of age8/95 (8%)18/106 (17%)0.12
 5–14 years of age11/32 (34%) 15/33 (45%)0.41
 ≥15 years of age without HIV13/32 (41%)  9/45 (20%)0.09
 PLWH  5/32 (16%)  4/32 (13%)0.75
Yield of microbiologically confirmed TB
 <5 years of age 2/95 (2.1%)  1/106 (0.9%)0.51
 5–14 years of age3/121 (2.5%)  3/121 (2.5%)1
 ≥15 years of age without HIV1/224 (0.5%)  1/192 (0.5%)0.91
 PLWH 1/32 (3.1%) 0/32 (0%)0.31
Yield of clinically and microbiologically confirmed TB
 <5 years of age 5/95 (5.2%)  4/106 (3.8%)0.62
 5–14 years of age3/121 (2.5%)  6/121 (5.0%)0.38
 ≥15 years of age without HIV1/224 (0.5%)  5/192 (2.6%)0.17
 PLWH 1/32 (3.1%)  0/32 (0%)#

TB: tuberculosis; PLWH: person living with HIV. The denominator for completion includes only those screening positive by symptoms, age or being a PLWH (190 in the intervention arm, 230 in the standard-of-care arm). The denominator for yield outcomes includes all household contacts (471 in the intervention arm, 443 in the standard-of-care arm). PLWHs are also reported with the relevant age subgroups. #: assessed 60 days after contact enrolment; : includes five PLWHs newly diagnosed during home HIV counselling and testing.