Parameter estimates for the course of decline of per cent predicted maximum inspiratory pressure

ParameterMean (SE)95% CIp-value
b1 %58.1 (3.7)50.9, 65.3<0.001
b2 %−27.8 (4.5)−36.6, −19.1<0.001
b3 months−7.8 (1.6)−10.8, −4.7<0.001
b4 months3.7 (1.2)1.3, 6.10.0027

b1: per cent predicted maximum inspiratory pressure before onset of decline of lung function; b2: magnitude of decline in predicted maximum inspiratory pressure to the lower asymptote, represented in the model as a negative number; b3: time (months) relative to initiation of noninvasive ventilation to the midpoint between the two asymptotes, also representing the inflection point of the per cent predicted maximum inspiratory pressure; b4: a timescale factor (months) that reflects the rapidity of decline of per cent predicted maximum inspiratory pressure.