Baseline characteristics of patients who underwent transbronchial lung cryobiopsy in the context of an interstitial lung disease diagnostic work-up

Male19 (59.4)11 (52.4)6 (100)2 (40)
Age years47.7±12.644.5±1146±11.362.8±11.1
Pulmonary function test
 FVC % pred98.3±21.592.1±18.6105.6±22.2115.5±24.5
 FEV1% pred94.4±21.287.7±17.5105.3±24.1109.7±22.8
DLCO % pred76.3±18.672.5±17.191±1979.3±21.2
DLCO/VA % pred88.6±18.884.3±13.5112.5±22.685±21.3
BAL results
 Lymphocytes %33.7±16.237.2±16.322.9±14.432±14
 Neutrophils %2.9±3.22.1±1.75.6±5.93±2.5
 Eosinophil %0.5±0.70.4±0.70.7±0.70.6±0.7
 CD4/CD8 ratio3.2±3.03.3±3.53.4±1.72±1.3
Chest CT findings
 Micronodularity25 (78.1)17 (81)6 (100)2 (40)
 Adenopathy10 (31.3)9 (42.9)1 (16.7)0
 Consolidation2 (6.3)2 (9.5)00
 Air trapping/mosaic pattern2 (6.3)002 (40)
 Ground glass2 (6.3)1 (4.8)01 (20)
 Fibrosis1 (3.2)1 (4.8)00

Data are presented as n (%) or mean±sd. HLS: highly likely sarcoidosis; PS: possible sarcoidosis; ULS: unlikely sarcoidosis; FVC: forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; DLCO: diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide; DLCO/VA: DLCO adjusted for alveolar volume; BAL: bronchoalveolar lavage; CT: computed tomography.