Compliance of maternal folic acid supplementation and risk for allergic symptoms, asthma and hospitalisation due to asthma in offspring, 2000–2001 n (%)

Folic acidCompliance#
PericonceptionPreconceptionPostconceptionp ValueNot compliant (340)Compliant (3354)p Value
Allergic symptoms28 (1.19)5 (2.18)18 (1.63)0.3843 (0.88)48 (1.43)0.443
Asthma15 (0.64)1 (0.44)10 (0.91)0.7654 (1.18)22 (0.66)0.522
Hospitalisation due to asthma4 (0.17)2 (0.87)10 (0.91)0.4790 (0)4 (0.12)0.565

Data are presented as n or n (%), unless otherwise stated. Values for some characteristics may not be equal to total numbers in each group because of missing values. #: Compliance was calculated as actual consumed pills divided by expected pills, compliant refers to compliance >80% and not compliant refers to compliance <80%.