Characteristics of study participants by case finding strategies and types of tuberculosis (TB)

CharacteristicsTB case-finding strategiesTypes of TBTotal
Community-based ACF using seed-and-recruit modelOne-off roving ACFPCFp-valueSmear-negative, clinician-diagnosed, EPTBBacteriologically confirmed TBp-value
Time from onset of symptoms to TB treatment initiation, in days42 (24–103)59 (29–144)38 (16–84)<0.00156 (27–120)47 (23–113)0.07453 (26–118)
Age, in years58 (47–67)65 (55–73)56 (45–64)<0.00163 (53–72)58 (49–67)<0.00161 (52–71)
Distance from home to health facility, in kilometres4 (2–8)4 (3–6)4(2–6)0.1194 (2–6)4 (2–7)0.3554 (2–6)
Age, in years56.1±14.763.6±12.154.4±15.4<0.00161.6±13.657.7±14.2<0.00160.1±13.9
Patient perspectives toward TB#17.8±5.818.6±4.216.4±5.50.00118.1±4.818.1±5.30.89018.1±5.0
Operational districts<0.0010.520
 Urban126 (48.3%)95 (23.9%)54 (77.1%)164 (36.9%)111 (39.2%)275 (37.8%)
 Rural135 (51.7%)302 (76.1%)16 (22.9%)281 (63.1%)172 (60.8%)453 (62.2%)
Female117 (44.8%)193 (48.6%)32 (45.7%)0.620221 (49.7%)121 (42.8%)0.069342 (47.0%)
Education level0.1170.200
 Primary and lower215 (82.7%)339 (86.3%)54 (77.1%)377 (85.5%)231 (81.9%)608 (84.1%)
 Above primary45 (17.3%)54 (13.7%)16 (22.9%)64 (14.5%)51 (18.1%)115 (15.9%)
Marital status0.0010.260
 Never married10 (3.8%)16 (4.0%)8 (11.4%)21 (4.7%)13 (4.6%)34 (4.7%)
 Currently married216 (82.8%)294 (74.1%)55 (78.6%)337 (75.7%)228 (80.3%)565 (77.6%)
 Divorced/widowed35 (13.4%)87 (21.9%)7 (10.0%)87 (19.6%)42 (14.8%)130 (17.7%)
Ever smoked+88 (33.7%)103 (25.9%)26 (37.1%)0.038109 (24.5%)108 (38.2%)<0.001217 (29.8%)
Current smokers49 (18.9%)65 (16.4%)19 (27.1%)0.09869 (15.5%)64 (22.8%)0.014133 (18.3%)
Ever consumed alcohol¶,§92 (35.5%)93 (23.6%)25 (35.7%)0.002111 (25.1%)99 (35.4%)0.003210 (29.0%)
Presence of other known medical conditions186 (71.3%)292 (73.6%)51 (72.9%)0.812324 (72.8%)205 (72.4%)0.913529 (72.7%)
Coughƒ235 (90.0%)338 (85.1%)66 (94.3%)0.037388 (87.2%)251 (88.7%)0.547639 (87.8%)
Haemoptysisƒ62 (23.8%)46 (11.6%)16 (22.9%)<0.00159 (13.3%)65 (23.0%)0.001124 (17.0%)
Chest painƒ149 (57.1%)194 (48.9%)48 (68.6%)0.004230 (51.7%)161 (56.9%)0.170391 (53.7%)
Dyspnoeaƒ90 (34.5%)120 (30.2%)30 (42.9%)0.094134 (30.1%)106 (37.5%)0.040240 (33.0%)
Feverƒ153 (58.6%)194 (48.9%)48 (68.6%)0.002250 (56.2%)145 (51.2%)0.192395 (54.3%)
Chillsƒ60 (23.0%)56 (14.1%)10 (14.3%)0.01061 (13.7%)65 (23.0%)0.001126 (17.3%)
Weight lossƒ187 (71.7%)245 (61.7%)57 (81.4%)0.001303 (68.1%)186 (65.7%)0.508489 (67.2%)
Night sweatsƒ128 (49.0%)186 (46.9%)44 (62.9%)0.047219 (49.2%)139 (49.1%)0.980358 (49.2%)
Good TB knowledge##193 (73.9%)295 (74.3%)58 (82.9%)0.278345 (77.5%)201 (71.0%)0.048546 (75.0%)
Self-perceived risk of getting TB163 (64.4%)167 (46.3%)57 (86.4%)<0.001238 (58.3%)149 (54.8%)0.359387 (56.9%)
Total GHQ-12¶¶<0.0010.618
 ≤3150 (57.5%)164 (41.3%)52 (74.3%)227 (51.0%)139 (49.1%)366 (50.3%)
 >3111 (42.5%)233 (58.7%)18 (25.7%)218 (49.0%)144 (50.9%)362 (49.7%)
Type of TB<0.001
 Smear-negative, clinician-diagnosed EPTB129 (49.4%)272 (68.5%)44 (62.9%)445 (61.1%)
 Bacteriologically confirmed TB132 (50.6%)125 (31.5%)26 (37.1%)283 (38.9%)
Case-finding strategies<0.001
 Community-based ACF using a seed-and-recruit model129 (29.0%)132 (46.6%)261 (35.9%)
 One-off roving ACF272 (61.1%)125 (44.2%)397 (54.5%)
 PCF44 (9.9%)26 (9.2%)70 (9.6%)

Data are presented as median (interquartile range), mean±sd or n (%), unless otherwise stated. ACF: active case finding; PCF: passive case finding; EPTB: extrapulmonary tuberculosis; GHQ-12: General Health Questionnaire.#: evaluated based on the answers from 12 questions, measured on a Likert scale (0–3), with 0 being strongly disagree and 3 being strongly agree; minimum score is 0 and the maximum score is 36. : excluding missing values. +: including current and ex-smokers. §: participants who had ever consumed alcohol reported frequency of alcohol use that ranged from once a month or less to four times or more per week. ƒ: symptoms prior to TB diagnosis self-reported by study participants. ##: evaluated based on the answers to eight questions regarding the characteristics, symptoms, route of transmission, prevention and treatment of TB with a total score of 13 (median 9); respondents were regarded as having poor TB knowledge if they scored the median or below and good TB knowledge if they scored above the median. ¶¶: evaluated based on the total score of the six negative items; scoring method 0-0-1-1, with 0=“less than usual”, 0=“no more than usual”, 1=“rather more than usual” or 1=“much more than usual”.