Characteristics of study patients, including classification based on the status of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung colonisation at the beginning of the study

Study patients
Number of patients9152510
Age years21 (18–24)22.5 (18–27)12.5 (7–<18)12.5 (7–<18)
Male3 (33.3%)10 (66.7%)9 (36%)4 (40%)
Female6 (66.7%)5 (33.3%)16 (64%)6 (60%)

Data are presented as number of patients per group mean age and gender numbers (%). AC: adults with chronic P. aeruginosa infection; AN: adults free from P. aeruginosa; PN: paediatrics free from P. aeruginosa; PO: paediatrics with occasional P. aeruginosa infection.