Prevalence of lung function deficit at age 5 and 8 years

Age 5 yearsAge 8 years
Indicator#n/total (%)n/total (%)
FEV0.5 (<LLN)47/777 (6.0%)44/581 (7.6%)
FEV1 (<LLN)53/792 (6.7%)46/676 (6.8%)
FVC (<LLN)57/792 (7.2%)51/676 (7.5%)
FEV0.5/FVC (<LLN)47/776 (6.1%)35/581 (6.0%)
FEV1/FVC (<LLN)49/791 (6.2%)30/675 (4.4%)

n: cases with the indicator; LLN: lower limit of normal or below the 5th percentile of predicted; FEV: forced expiratory volume in either 0.5 (FEV0.5) or 1 s (FEV1); FVC: forced vital capacity. #: see table S1 for exact definitions.