Detection of P. acnes and origin of tissue used

nDetection of P. acnes in:
Total number of patients#7631 (41)13 (17)
Total number of tissue sections8032 (40)14 (18)
Lung3210 (31)7 (22)
 VATS73 (43)3 (43)
 TBLB257 (28)4 (16)
Lymph node2512 (48)2 (8)
 lymphadenectomy149 (64)1 (7)
 mediastinoscopy51 (20)0
 EBUS-TBNA/needle62 (33)1 (17)
Skin177 (41)4 (24)
Other63 (50)1 (17)
 Bone marrow22 (100)0
 Liver21 (50)1 (50)
 Nasal concha100
 Salivary gland100

Data is shown as number of samples with percentages in brackets.

#Of 4 of 76 patients, 2 tissue sections of different organs were stained namely: Lymph node (negative) and lung (P. acnes positive in tissue and granulomas, liver (negative) and lymph node (P. acnes positive in tissue), skin (P. acnes positive in tissue and granulomas) and lung (negative), skin ( P. acnes positive in tissue and granulomas) and lung (P. acnes positive in tissue and granulomas).

VATS: Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery; TBLB: transbronchial lung biopsy; EBUS-TBNA: endobronchial ultrasound- transbronchial needle aspiration.