Detection of Propionibacterium acnes and origin of tissue used

nDetection of P. acnes in:
Total patients#7631 (41)13 (17)
Total tissue sections8032 (40)14 (18)
Lung3210 (31)7 (22)
 VATS73 (43)3 (43)
 TBLB257 (28)4 (16)
Lymph node2512 (48)2 (8)
 Lymphadenectomy149 (64)1 (7)
 Mediastinoscopy51 (20)0
 EBUS–TBNA/needle62 (33)1 (17)
Skin177 (41)4 (24)
Other63 (50)1 (17)
 Bone marrow22 (100)0
 Liver21 (50)1 (50)
 Nasal concha100
 Salivary gland100

Data are presented as n (%), unless otherwise stated. #: In 4 out of 76 patients, two tissue sections of different organs were stained namely: lymph node (negative) and lung (P. acnes-positive in tissue and granulomas), liver (negative) and lymph node (P. acnes-positive in tissue), skin (P. acnes-positive in tissue and granulomas) and lung (negative), skin ( P. acnes-positive in tissue and granulomas) and lung (P. acnes-positive in tissue and granulomas). VATS: video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery; TBLB: transbronchial lung biopsy; EBUS–TBNA: endobronchial ultrasound–transbronchial needle aspiration.