Anxiety disorders among adolescents with and without asthma in Uganda#

Asthma casesNon-asthma controlsCrude OR (95% CI)Adjusted OR (95% CI)Adjusted OR+ (95% CI)p-value
Any of three anxiety disorders
 No (109)39 (53.4)70 (78.6)111
 Yes (53)34 (46.6)19 (21.4)3.21 (1.62–6.37)3.05 (1.50–6.21)2.68 (1.30–5.53)0.007
Generalised anxiety disorder
 No (141)57 (78.1)84 (94.4)111
 Yes (21)16 (21.9)5 (5.6)4.71 (1.63–13.60)5.16 (1.71–15.55)4.49 (1.48–13.56)0.008
Panic disorder
 No (130)49 (67.1)81 (91.0)111
 Yes (32)24 (32.9)8 (9.0)4.96 (2.07–11.90)5.92 (2.31–15.19)5.43 (2.11–14.02)<0.0001
Social anxiety disorder
 No (131)55 (75.3)76 (85.4)111
 Yes (31)18 (24.7)13 (14.6)1.91 (0.86–4.23)1.68 (0.74–3.84)1.46 (0.63–3.37)0.38

Data are presented as n or n (%), unless otherwise stated. #: n=162; : adjusted for child's age, sex and father's highest education level attained; +: adjusted for child's age, sex, father's highest education level attained and child's residence at birth.