Hazard ratios (HR) for the association between respiratory medication and a subsequent asthma exacerbation stratified by exacerbation status in the previous year

Severe exacerbation last year#No severe exacerbation last year
n (%)HR age + sex adjusted (95% CI, p-value)n (%)HR age + sex adjusted (95% CI, p-value)
R03 medication
 None5 (6.8)160 (38.0)
 Rescue5 (6.8)4.78 (1.10–20.82, p=0.037)30 (7.1)2.06 (0.96–4.44, p=0.065)
 Controller20 (27.0)1.04 (0.30–3.65, p=0.953)147 (34.9)2.27 (1.41–3.67, p=0.001)
 Controller and rescue44 (59.5)1.09 (0.33–3.56, p=0.889)84 (20.0)3.64 (2.16–6.16, p<0.001)
Controller to total ratio
 Controller/controller+rescue74 (100)0.26 (0.09–0.76, p=0.014)421 (100)1.13 (0.61–2.10, p=0.691)

#: n=74; : n=421. Bold indicates statistical significance.