Sex, history of pulmonary embolism and haemodynamics by patient disposition to intervention, all regions (n=1010)

PEA operable candidatesBPA candidates not PEA operableNeither PEA nor BPAp-value (exploratory)
Subjects n669193148
Age at diagnosis years61.0 (49.0–71.0)65.0 (52.0–74.0)70.0 (57.0–77.0)<0.001
Sex male358 (53.5)65 (33.7)58 (39.2)<0.001
NYHA functional class % I/II/III/IV1.6/25.0/58.2/15.11.0/27.5/63.2/8.30.7/17.6/70.9/10.80.027
History of acute PE#466 (69.7)100 (51.8)97 (65.5)<0.001
Right heart catheterisation at diagnosis
 MRAP mmHg8.0 (5.0–12.0)7.0 (4.0–10.0)8.0 (5.0–11.8)<0.001
  n (missing)640 (29)182 (11)140 (8)
 mPAP mmHg45.0 (36.0–51.0)42.0 (35.5–51.0)40.0 (34.0–52.0)0.116
  n (missing)669 (0)193 (0)148 (0)
 PCWP mmHg10.0 (8.0–13.0)8.0 (6.0–11.0)10.5 (9.0–13.0)<0.001
  n (missing)643 (26)193 (0)148 (0)
 Cardiac output L·min−14.20 (3.40–5.09)4.00 (3.15–4.90)4.18 (3.33–5.00)0.406
  n (missing)656 (13)192 (1)144 (4)
 CI L·min−1·m−22.17 (1.80–2.61)2.28 (1.86–2.85)2.30 (1.86–2.70)0.050
  n (missing)654 (15)192 (1)141 (7)
 PVR dyn·s·cm−5642 (449–901)656 (467–912)592 (399–962)0.544
  n (missing)642 (27)189 (4)142 (6)
 PVRI dyn·s·cm−5·m21244 (869–1670)1137 (811–1600)1085 (740–1749)0.172
  n (missing)631 (38)192 (1)138 (10)
Numbers operated by PEA or BPA at time of baseline analysis593175
PVR at the end of ICU dyn·s·cm−5262 (200–351)298 (228–394)0.004
n (missing), preliminary data507 (86)125 (50)
Reduction in PVR since diagnosis dyn·s·cm−5372 (190–619)343 (154–527)0.185
n (missing), preliminary data496 (97)123 (52)

Values are expressed as median with first and third quartiles (Q1–Q3) or n (%) unless otherwise indicated. PEA: pulmonary endarterectomy; BPA: balloon pulmonary angioplasty; NYHA: New York Heart Association; PE: pulmonary embolism; MRAP: mean right atrial pressure; mPAP: mean pulmonary artery pressure; PCWP: pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; CI: cardiac index; PVR: pulmonary vascular resistance; PVRI: pulmonary vascular resistance index; ICU: intensive care unit. #: unknown cases included in the exploratory analysis of significance. : after last BPA for BPA patients.