Screening outcomes of contacts of patients with MDR-TB, New South Wales, Australia, 2000−2016

Contacts who commenced screening247 (100)
Completed screening (total)215 (87)
 Tested positive for LTBI105 (42.5)
  TST positive (≥10 mm)104 (42.1)
  IGRA positive (≥0.35)1 (0.4)
 Tested negative for LTBI110 (44.5)
  TST negative (<10 mm)108 (43.7)
  IGRA negative (<0.35)2 (0.8)
Did not complete screening32 (13.0)
 Did not attend26 (10.5)
 Transferred out before completing screening3 (1.2)
 Deceased before completing screening3 (1.2)
Chest X-ray findings
 Abnormal8 (3.2)
 Normal207 (83.8)
 Not documented32 (13.0)
Final diagnosis
 LTBI96 (38.9)
 Newly diagnosed LTBI62 (25.1)
 Prior history of LTBI34 (13.8)
 Active TB disease1 (0.4)
 Previous inactive TB (treated or not treated)8 (3.2)

Data presented as n (%). MDR: multidrug resistant; TB: tuberculosis; LTBI: latent tuberculosis infection; TST: tuberculin skin test; IGRA: interferon-γ release assay.