Patient characteristics by recruitment outcome

TotalEligibleNot eligibleModelling eligibility OR (95% CI)#EnrolledDeclinedModelling enrolment OR (95% CI)
Participants, n43925318618370
Age groups+, n (%)
 <60 years45 (10)19 (8)26 (15)0.32 (0.15–0.71)**17 (9)2 (3)4.71 (0.58–38.19)
 60–69 years97 (22)68 (27)29 (17)1.20 (0.68–2.12)52 (28)16 (24)0.91 (0.43–1.90)
 70–79 years (ref.)197 (45)124 (50)73 (42)Ref.90 (49)34 (52)Ref.
 >80 years82 (19)38 (15)44 (26)0.39 (0.22–0.70)**24 (13)14 (21)0.49 (0.21–1.15)
Female, n (%)237 (54)138 (55)99 (53)1.10 (0.71–1.71)93 (51)45 (64)0.47 (0.25–0.88)*
Male (ref.), n (%)115 (45)87 (47)Ref.90 (49)25 (36)Ref.
mMRC§, n (%)
 1=moderate85 (19)25 (10)60 (33)0.27 (0.15–0.52)***16 (9)9 (13)0.50 (0.18–1.41)
 2=strong (ref.)134 (31)85 (34)49 (27)Ref.68 (37)17 (25)Ref.
 3=very strong214 (49)142 (56)72 (40)0.90 (0.54–1.49)99 (54)43 (62)0.83 (0.41–1.67)
Recruitment routeƒ, n (%)
 Media (ref.)257 (58)122 (50)135 (76)Ref.81 (46)41 (61)Ref.
 Clinical91 (21)67 (27)24 (14)2.82 (1.55–5.14)***47 (26)20 (30)1.07 (0.52–2.18)
 Social74 (17)56 (23)18 (10)3.15 (1.67–5.94)***50 (28)6 (9)4.76 (1.70–13.38)**

ref.: reference; mMRC: modified Medical Research Council dyspnoea scale. #: missing in regression model: n=35; : missing in regression model: n=12; +: age at first contact (missing n=18: n=4 declined, n=14 not eligible); §: 0=breathless with strenuous exercise, 1=breathless when hurrying on the level/walking up, 2=stop for breath when walking at my own pace, 3=stop for breath after ∼100 m, 4=breathless when getting dressed (missing n=6: n=1 declined, n=5 not eligible); for the regression model, mMRC categories 0 and 1 and mMRC categories 3 and 4 were merged due to low cell counts (category “0”: n=0 enrolled, n=0 declined, n=13 excluded; category “4”: n=6 enrolment, n=8 declined, n=8 not eligible); ƒ: missing: n=17 (n=5 enrolled, n=3 declined, n=9 excluded). *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01, ***: p<0.001.