Effects of treatment on symptoms and lung function

Subjects n2524
Change in sputum purulence# n (%)>0.99
 Improved4 (20)5 (23)
 Unchanged13 (65)13 (59)
 Worsened3 (15)4 (18)
Change in sputum quantity n (%)0.044
 Less sputum6 (24)12 (52)
 More sputum19 (76)11 (48)
 Change in sputum quantity (mL); median (range) randomisation to end of study17.5 (5–42.5) to 15 (5–45)15 (5–25) to 5  (5–20)0.386
LCI change after 4 weeks n (%)0.847
 Improved8 (32)6 (25)
 Unchanged7 (28)8 (33)
 Worsened10 (40)10 (42)
FEV1 % change after 4weeks, median (range)0.05 (−23–7.6)0 (−11.8–10.5)0.71

AD: autogenic drainage; oPEP: oscillating positive expiratory pressure; LCI: lung clearance index; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s. #: sputum purulence was recorded on a four-point scale. Values in bold represent p<0.05. : improvement, a decrease of 0.5 or more; worsening, an increase of 0.5 or more; unchanged, difference <0.5 in any direction.