Second round results

Confirmation of statements% of answersMean score
 Smoking habit and exposures#857.7
 Post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC <0.7#938.1
 Lack of tapering sign837.3
 Airways <1 cm of pleura877.1
 BE ≥1 pulmonary segment in one lobe645.8
 BE >1 pulmonary segment in one lobe706.2
 BE ≥1 pulmonary segment in more than one lobe736.6
Clinical and microbiological aspects#
2.1 Should any clinical aspect be included?YES76%
 Between “yes” responders (n=51)% of answersMean score
  At least ONE symptom655.9
  At least TWO symptoms847.5
2.2 Should any microbiological aspect be included?YES39%
 Between “yes” responders (n=26):% of answersMean score
  At least one isolation of PPM stability656.1
  More than one isolation of PPM in sputum in the last year545.7
  Chronic bronchial infection by any PPM656.4
  Pseudomonas ever isolated in sputum465.2

In the second column, the percentage of answers graded 6 points or more. In the third column, the mean score received. FEV1: forced expiratory volume in the 1 s; FVC: forced vital capacity; BE: bronchiectasis; PPM: potential pathogenic microorganisms. Where not specified, expressed percentages refer to the number of responders: #: 67 responders (only pulmonologists); : 83 responders (pulmonologists+radiologists).