Distribution of breathlessness scores in 907 men aged 73 years

Item (non-missing observations)Mean (sd) or frequency (%)
Dyspnea-12 scales
 Total (n=858)1.62 (4.0)
 Physical (n=846)1.08 (2.5)
 Affective (n=850)0.54 (1.7)
Multidimensional Dyspnea Profile scales
 A1 unpleasantness (n=830)0.71 (1.4)
 Immediate perception (n=721)2.62 (6.4)
 Emotional response (n=809)1.77 (5.1)
mMRC (n=880)
 0606 (67%)
 1120 (13%)
 271 (8%)
 344 (5%)
 439 (4%)
Breathlessness severity (n=844)
 None555 (66%)
 Mild186 (22%)
 Moderate98 (12%)
 Severe5 (1%)
Recalled change in breathlessness since age 65 years (n=900)
 Better97 (11%)
 No difference543 (60%)
 Worse260 (29%)
Recalled duration of experienced breathlessness (n=167)
 Less than 1 year48 (29%)
 1–5 years72 (43%)
 More 5 years47 (28%)

Data are means (sd) or frequency (percentage). A higher score on the Dyspnea-12 or Multidimensional Dyspnea Profile scales signify worse breathlessness. Recalled change in breathlessness since age 65 years was measured through global impression of change. mMRC: Medical Research Council breathlessness scale.