Comparison of the analytical subsample (n=434) with the whole Isle of Wight birth cohort (IOWBC) (n=1261) on ages of pubertal events and lung function

VariablesCohort samplesSubsamplesp-value
Subjects n1261434
Age of pubertal events years
  Breast growth12.43±1.5812.29±1.600.20
  Body hair growth12.25±1.4312.21±1.420.66
  Growth spurt12.52±1.7012.36±1.800.21
  Skin changes13.11±1.5013.08±1.590.79
  Body hair growth13.41±1.3713.26±1.400.14
  Growth spurt13.72±1.6713.54±1.630.14
  Voice deepening14.24±1.2414.07±1.190.05
  Facial hair growth15.38±1.1615.32±1.090.45
  Skin changes13.99±1.3813.94±1.290.61
Lung function L (age 26years)

Data presented as mean±sd. FVC: forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s.