Baseline and hospitalisation characteristics of patients who were evaluated by telephone 4 months after hospital discharge according to the presence of new-onset dyspnoea

Available dataAll patients (478)Patients with new-onset dyspnoea (78)Patients without new-onset dyspnoea (400)p-value
Demographic data
 Age, years47861.0±16.156.1±12.361.9±16.60.001
 Women478201 (42.1%)30 (38.5%)171 (42.8%)0.56
 Body mass index, kg·m–235128.8±5.629.0±5.128.8±5.80.69
 No (<5 pack-years)452343 (75.9%)60 (81.1%)283 (74.9%)
 Former (≥5 pack-years)45283 (18.4%)11 (14.9%)72 (19.0%)0.63
 Active45226 (5.8%)3 (4.1%)23 (6.1%)
Pre-COVID-19 comorbidities
 Respiratory disease
  •   COPD

47817 (3.6%)2 (2.6%)15 (3.8%)1
  •   Other than COPD

47875 (15.7%)12 (15.4%)63 (15.8%)1
 Hypertension478225 (47.1%)30 (38.5%)195 (48.8%)0.12
 Chronic heart disease47877 (16.1%)4 (5.1%)73 (18.2%)0.007
 Diabetes478128 (26.8%)24 (30.8%)104 (26.0%)0.47
 Chronic kidney disease47851 (10.7%)2 (2.6%)49 (12.2%)0.02
 Declared psychiatric disorder47842 (8.8%)5 (6.4%)37 (9.3%)0.55
 Neurodegenerative disorder47834 (7.1%)0 (0%)34 (8.5%)0.02
 Alcohol misuse45021 (4.7%)3 (4.1%)18 (4.8%)1
 Active cancer47818 (3.8%)2 (2.6%)16 (4.0%)0.75
 Other immunosuppression47818 (3.8%)2 (2.6%)16 (4.0%)0.75
 Long-term dialysis47817 (3.6%)0 (0%)17 (4.3%)0.09
 HIV infection47812 (2.5%)1 (1.3%)11 (2.8%)0.7
 Solid organ transplantation4789 (1.9%)1 (1.3%)8 (2.0%)1
 Liver disease4787 (1.5%)2 (2.6%)5 (1.3%)0.32
 Pregnancy4785 (1.1%)0 (0%)5 (1.3%)1
Hospitalisation characteristics
 Total duration of hospitalisation, days4789 (4–15)13 (7–23)8 (4–14)<0.001
 Hospitalisation in the ICU478142 (29.7%)44 (56.4%)98 (24.5%)<0.001
 Duration of ICU stay, days1419 (4–19)9 (4–21)9 (4–19)0.73
 High flow oxygen14262 (43.7%)20 (45.5%)42 (42.9%)0.92
 Intubation during hospitalisation14273 (51.4%)25 (56.8%)48 (49.0%)0.50
 Duration of intubation, days7318 (11–32)24 (12–38)16 (11–27)0.21
 Pulmonary embolism43039 (9.1%)14 (18.0%)25 (6.8%)<0.001
 Active anticoagulation (at the full therapeutic dose)47875 (15.7%)30 (38.5%)45 (11.2%)<0.001
Specific treatments during hospitalisation
 Azithromycin478120 (25.1%)28 (35.9%)92 (23.0%)0.02
 Anti-IL-647837 (7.7%)12 (15.4%)25 (6.2%)0.01
 Hydroxychloroquine47832 (6.7%)9 (11.5%)23 (5.8%)0.10
 Corticosteroids47824 (5.0%)1 (1.3%)2 (5.8%)0.15
 Lopinavir/ritonavir47816 (3.4%)6 (7.7%)10 (2.5%)0.03
 Anti-IL-147811 (2.3%)3 (3.9%)8 (2.0%)0.40
 Remdesivir4785 (1.1%)1 (1.3%)4 (1.0%)0.59

Values are expressed as the median (interquartile range), mean±sd, or number and frequency. The p-values refer to a comparison between patients with and without new-onset dyspnoea. COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COVID-19: coronavirus disease 2019; ICU: intensive care unit; IL: interleukin.