Demographics, medical history, clinical and radiological status, and pulmonary function, microbiology and laboratory data according to two study groups: patients with nontuberculous mycobacteria pulmonary disease (NTM-PD) and patients with bronchiectasis tested for NTM but without NTM-PD

NTM-PD+ (n=47)NTM-PD− (n=326)p-value
 Age, years65 (60–70)62 (48–71)0.15
  >65 years21 (44.7)130 (39.9)0.53
  >75 years3 (6.4)44 (13.5)0.17
 Male8 (17)76 (23.3)0.34
 BMI, kg·m−220 (18–21.4)21.8 (19–24.4)<0.001
  Underweight (BMI <18.5 kg·m−2)13 (27.7)50 (15.3)0.035
 Smoker or ex-smoker24 (51.1)139 (42.6)0.28
Medical history
 Comorbid asthma1 (2.1)61 (18.7)0.004
 Comorbid COPD2 (4.2)28 (8.6)0.3
 Comorbid rhinosinusitis9 (19.1)125 (38.3)0.01
 B-lymphocyte deficiency7 (14.9)37 (11.3)0.48
 T-lymphocyte deficiency7 (14.9)21 (6.4)0.04
 Natural killer deficiency2 (4.3)11 (3.4)0.76
 IgA deficiency0 (0)9 (2.8)0.25
 IgM deficiency3 (6.4)15 (4.6)0.56
 IgG deficiency1 (2.1)10 (3.1)0.74
 IgG subclass deficiency7 (14.9)37 (11.3)0.45
 Long-acting β-agonist treatment13 (27.7)176 (53.9)<0.001
 Long-acting muscarinic antagonist treatment21 (44.7)115 (35.3)0.21
 Receiving ICS at NTM isolation2 (4.3)121 (37.1)<0.001
 Inhaled antibiotics treatment6 (13.8)25 (7.7)0.24
 Macrolide treatment6 (12.8)38 (11.7)0.83
 Proton pump inhibitors16 (34)106 (32.5)0.83
Clinical status
 Sputum volume, mL5.5 (5–30)10 (5–25)0.38
 Daily sputum30 (63.8)248 (76.1)0.07
 mMRC grade0 (0–1)0 (0–1)0.78
 BSI score6.5 (4–10)6 (4–9)0.44
 BSI risk class
  Mild13 (27.7)102 (31.3)0.75
  Moderate17 (36.2)119 (36.5)0.87
  Severe14 (29.8)98 (30.1)0.88
 BACI score0 (0–0)0 (0–3)0.009
 Exacerbations in previous year, n1 (0–2)2 (1–3)0.002
  ≥3 exacerbations in previous year9 (19.1)102 (31.3)0.09
 ≥1 hospitalisations in previous year3 (6.4)46 (14.1)0.15
 FACED score2 (1–3)2 (1–3)0.74
 FACED risk class
  Mild30 (63.8)201 (61.7)0.79
  Moderate15 (31.9)97 (29.7)0.77
  Severe2 (4.3)27 (8.3)0.33
Radiological status
 Reiff score4 (3–6)4 (3–6)0.69
 Involved lobes, n4 (2.5–6)4 (2–5)0.22
 Cavitation9 (19.1)8 (2.5)<0.001
 Bronchiectasis in middle lobe40 (85.1)266 (81.6)0.26
 Bronchiectasis in lingula36 (76.6)224 (68.7)0.13
 Bronchiectasis in middle lobe and lingula34 (72.3)209 (64.1)0.14
Functional status
 FEV1, % pred74 (65.5–90.5)84 (67–101)0.07
 Chronic infection with ≥1 pathogens15 (31.9)116 (35.6)0.37
Pseudomonas aeruginosa11 (23.4)69 (21.2)0.96
Laboratory data
 C-reactive protein, mg·L−10.59 (0.23–0.97)0.33 (0.12–0.93)0.14

Data are presented as median (interquartile range) or n (%), unless otherwise stated. BMI: body mass index; ICS: inhaled corticosteroid; mMRC: modified Medical Research Council; BSI: Bronchiectasis Severity Index; BACI: Bronchiectasis Aetiology Comorbidity Index; FACED: forced expiratory volume in 1 s, age, chronic colonisation, extension and dyspnoea; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s.