Stanford cohort patient characteristics in high 4-year risk and low 4-year risk groups. Continuous data are compared using a t-test and categorical variables by Chi-squared test

High 4-year riskLow 4-year riskTwo-tailed p-value
Sample size7493
Age (years)52.7±15.547.0±14.30.015
Female (%)71.675.3
PAH subtype
 Connective tissue disease25270.997
 Idiopathic PAH1927
 Drug and toxins1315
 Congenital heart disease817
 Portopulmonary hypertension84
 Hereditary PAH13
NYHA functional class
 Class I450.942
 Class II1142
 Class III4637
 Class IV139
 mPAP (mmHg)50.8±16.250.9±16.60.969
 PVR (dyn·s·cm−5)11.2±7.1411.3±6.590.925
 Cardiac index (L·min−1·m−2)2.27±0.822.24±0.670.795
 Mean right atrial pressure (mmHg)9.70±6.337.89±4.780.037
 PCWP (mmHg)12.2±5.7210.5±4.090.027
Timing from
 Diagnosis (years)3.1±3.94.5±5.40.053
 Symptom onset (years)4.4±4.86.0±5.40.051
 Dual therapy2226
 Triple therapy811

Data are presented as n or mean±sd, unless otherwise stated. PAH: pulmonary arterial hypertension; NYHA: New York Heart Association; mPAP: mean pulmonary artery pressure; PVR: pulmonary vascular resistance; PCWP: pulmonary capillary wedge pressure.