Rating# of item importance as a quality indicator for cough clinical service

Presence of clinicians with expertise in cough management0003.896.2
Accessibility to spirometry0007.692.4
Accessibility to chest X-ray001.95.792.4
Quantification of treatment response at follow-up consultation using established tools01.9028.369.8
Quantification of baseline cough severity or impact using established tools003.835.860.4
Accessibility to cough control therapy (or speech language and pathology therapy)007.635.856.6
Accessibility to FENO0017.026.456.6
Accessibility to blood eosinophils1.93.89.422.662.3
Accessibility to chest CT scan3.81.95.728.360.4
Participation in clinical trials for novel cough therapies009.443.447.2
Adherence to the agreed procedures defined by national and/or international consensus in patient management01.911.337.749.1
Multidisciplinary team meeting05.718.934.041.5
Accessibility to allergy skin test (or serum specific IgE test)3.83.818.932.141.5
Accessibility to methacholine challenge test5.79.49.434.041.5
Accessibility to sinus imaging7.67.615.122.647.2
Accessibility to laryngoscopy1.95.724.532.135.9
Accessibility to nasal endoscopy1.911.324.526.435.9
Accessibility to bronchoscopy7.67.611.341.532.1
Accessibility to 24-h oesophageal pH3.89.415.149.122.6
Accessibility to high-resolution oesophageal manometry7.67.622.647.215.1
Accessibility to GI endoscopy11.315.122.634.017.0
Accessibility to sputum eosinophils15.115.118.928.322.6
Accessibility to cough challenge test15.115.126.432.111.3
Accessibility to mannitol challenge test9.424.528.335.91.9

Data are presented as response %. FENO: fractional exhaled nitric oxide; CT: computed tomography; GI: gastrointestinal. #: 5-point Likert scale (0–4), ranging from “not important at all” (0) to “neutral” (2) and “very important” (4); : original question: Please rate the importance of each item as a quality indicator for cough clinical service. Accessibility to a certain test or therapy means that it can be done at the site or by referral.