Characteristics of the patients at randomisation in the intent-to-treat population and primary and secondary outcomes

TotalSynchronous firstAsynchronous first
Patients, n261412
Patient characteristics
 Gender, n (%)
  Male19 (73)11 (79)8 (67)
  Female7 (27)3 (21)4 (33)
 Age (years)55 (18), 35–8155 (18), 38–8156.5 (16.75), 35–73
 MoCA27 (3), 25–3027.5 (1.75), 25–3027 (4.24), 25–30
SpO2 on oxygen therapy#94 (4.3), 90–9895 (5.5), 90–9892.5 (4), 91–96
 Oxygen flow (L·min−1)#1 (3), 0–82 (2), 0–80.25 (1.75), 0–4
 Heart rate (beats·min−1)#74.5 (22), 52–10879.5 (24.5), 62–10870.5 (11.5), 62–92
 Days since first symptom onset#17 (22), 3–3914 (21), 3–3918.5 (16.25), 6–37
 Contagious at time of testing, n (%)16 (62)10 (71)7 (58)
Primary outcomes
 Breathing comfort1 (2), −3–20 (2), −3–21 (3.25), −2–2
 Breathing difficulty1 (3), −3–21 (3), −3–20 (3.25), −3–2
Secondary outcomes
 Respiratory rate (breaths·min−1)21 (10), 7–3521 (10), 15–3222 (10), 15–35
 Respiratory rate variability (breaths·min−1)3 (2), 1–123 (2), 1–123 (2), 1–5

Data are presented as median (IQR), range, unless otherwise stated. MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment; SpO2: peripheral oxygen saturation; IQR: interquartile range. #: data were missing for some patients and the denominator in the asynchronous group was 10.