Patient demographics and characteristics

ASPEN cohort#
Age years, mean±sd61.3±14.2
 ≥65 years, n (%)841 (50.0)
 ≥75 years, n (%)262 (15.6)
Sex, n (%)
 Female1088 (64.7)
Race, n (%)
 White1235 (73.4)
 Black or African American10 (0.6)
 Asian189 (11.2)
 American Indian or Alaska Native23 (1.4)
 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander2 (0.1)
 >1 race37 (2.2)
 Not reported/unknown/other186 (11.1)
BMI kg·m−2, mean±sd25.5±5.1
Smoking status/ever smoked, n (%)
 Never1169 (69.5)
 Ex-smoker513 (30.5)
Pack-years smoked in ex-smokers, mean±sd16.3±20.5
MRC dyspnoea score, n (%)
 1–31604 (95.4)
 466 (3.9)
 512 (0.7)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, n (%)
 Positive600 (35.7)
Exacerbations in prior 12 months, n (%)
 21190 (70.7)
 3 or more492 (29.3)
BSI, mean±sd7.1±3.6
Overall BSI score categories, n (%)
 ≤4435 (25.9)
 5–8714 (42.4)
 ≥9533 (31.7)
Eosinophil count (average cells·mm−3), mean±sd218.5±234.0
Blood eosinophil, n (%)
 <300cells·µL−11232 (73.2)
 ≥300cells·µL−1309 (18.4)
 Missing141 (8.4)
QoL-B RSS, median (IQR)63.0 (25.9)

All data are Visit 2 (Baseline) data except where indicated. BMI: body mass index; MRC: Medical Research Council; BSI: Bronchiectasis Severity Index; QoL-B RSS: Quality of Life Questionnaire-Bronchiectasis Respiratory Symptom scores. #: n=1682.